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Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership (HELP)

  • About the Program
  • How to Apply
  • For Nonmembers
  • Resources

Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership

Empowering Dreams, Building Futures

Program Overview

Is your financial institution looking to help first-time homebuyers with down payments and closing costs? With FHLB Dallas’ Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership program (HELP), you can provide this critical assistance to your potential homebuyers. This program can help your institution support homeownership dreams, strengthen customer relationships and demonstrate your commitment to the communities you serve.

HELP funds are provided only through FHLB Dallas members. FHLB Dallas does not provide funds directly to consumers. FHLB Dallas helps income-qualified individuals and families achieve homeownership by providing financial support for down payments and closing costs. For 2025, FHLB Dallas allocated $17 million for HELP. Funds are available until they have been exhausted or until December 31, 2025, whichever comes first. For 2025, the HELP allocation will be divided into three offerings. Any unused funds remaining from the previous offering will carry over into the next offering. 

Available Funds as of February 28, 2025: $0

HELP funding will be provided in three rounds with rounds of $4.25 million available on May 1, 2025, and on August 1, 2025.

Our Impact

The Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership gives first-time homebuyers much-needed funding to purchase a home.



Allocated for 2025


Per Homebuyer Depending on Property Location


Awarded in 2023

Benefits for Your Financial Institution

Differentiate your institution by offering a valuable homeownership assistance program to qualifying first-time homebuyers.

Strengthen customer relationships and loyalty through personalized support and financial assistance.

Support economic empowerment and community development by helping more individuals and families achieve the dream of homeownership.

HELP Success Stories

Using HELP, FHLB Dallas members have helped more than 6,700 homebuyers realize their dreams of homeownership.
We invite you to read some of their stories.


Single Mom Able to Purchase First Home

Julisa Jones achieved a milestone this year. She purchased her first home, thanks in part to $15,000 in down payment assistance from Trustmark National Bank (Trustmark) and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas).

FHLB Dallas Gives Wings to Mississippi Mom

After giving birth to her fourth child, Amber Cole of Clinton, Mississippi, knew it was time to move on from her cramped apartment.

Mississippi Woman Realizes Dream of Homeownership

Long-time Macon, Mississippi, resident  Lacey Harmon was ready to put down roots by purchasing a home. But first she needed help with a down payment. 

2024 HELP Webinar

Learn how to access HELP funds by watching this video.


Tell Us Your Story

We'd love to hear from you! Tell us if you've been a recipient of funds from an FHLB Dallas program.

HELP funds are provided only through FHLB Dallas members. FHLB Dallas does not provide funds directly to consumers.
Funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until exhausted, or until December 31, 2025, whichever comes first. 
Up to half of a member's funding cap may be used outside of FHLB Dallas' District, which includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas.

Member Requirements

  • Verify homebuyer eligibility
  • Distribute the full HELP grant to the eligible recipient
  • Document the distribution on a final closing disclosure
  • Ensure that the rate of interest, points, fees and any other HELP loan charges do not exceed a reasonable market rate  
  • Document that the HELP-assisted home is subject to a five-year homeowner retention document that meets the Affordable Housing Program regulations and retention requirements (See Attachment F, AHP Implementation Plan)

How It Works

Enroll: An individual from the FHLB Dallas member financial institution with current Advances Signature Card authorization must submit a one-time HELP Enrollment Application and Subsidy Agreement. Please email for the AdobeSign application.
Engage: We offer resources to help you promote HELP to first-time homebuyers.
Submit: Submit applications on behalf of your homebuyers.
Award: HELP funds are disbursed to your institution once an application is approved and your homebuyer has or is preparing to close.

Maximum Amounts for Homebuyers and Members

Maximum Per Homebuyer: 

  • For properties located in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi or outside the FHLB Dallas District, $20,000 per household 
  • For properties located in New Mexico or Texas, $25,000 per household 
  • Annual Member Cap: $850,000 
  • Up to half of the annual member cap can be used for properties outside the FHLB Dallas District 


Interested organizations or prospective homebuyers (applicants) must complete and submit an application in partnership with an FHLB Dallas member institution. Recipients will receive the funds through the FHLB Dallas member institution sponsoring the application as a grant applied directly to the mortgage associated with the home purchase..

HELP funds are provided only through FHLB Dallas members. FHLB Dallas does not provide funds directly to consumers.

Homebuyer Requirements

To qualify for HELP, homebuyers must:

  • Be at or below 80 percent of the area median income (AMI) as defined by HUD
  • Must complete a homebuyer counseling program
  • Must contribute $500 of their own funds toward the required down payment or closing costs
  • Must commit to retaining their home for a period of five years
  • May not receive any cash back at closing

How It Works:

If you are a homebuyer looking for help with a down payment and closing costs, contact a participating FHLB Dallas member for more information about your eligibility and the application process.

Please note that FHLB Dallas members have their own underwriting criteria and lending areas. They are also limited to the amount of HELP funding they can access within a given year and may have reached their FHLB Dallas program cap prior to the end of a program year.

Find a Participating FHLB Dallas Member Institution

If you are a consumer or represent a community-based organization or similar entity seeking HELP assistance, use the link below to find a participating member in your area. Members are listed within the state of their charter’s origin and in alphabetical order.

Participating Members List

The materials below provide more detailed information regarding the HELP program.


Is my institution limited to assisting homebuyers within the FHLB Dallas District?
Up to half of a member's cap may be used on a HELP-assisted property outside of the FHLB Dallas District of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas.
When are funds disbursed?
FHLB Dallas will disburse HELP funds to a member for a first-time homebuyer preparing to close or has recently closed on the purchase of a primary residence. 
Who can I contact with questions about participating in HELP?
Contact our Community Investment team to learn more about enrollment and eligibility requirements. Call 800.362.2944 or click the button below to connect with an FHLB Dallas representative.