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Corporate Governance

At FHLB Dallas, we believe that good corporate governance is more than a requirement — it is the right way to do business.

Our corporate bylaws and corporate governance practices are essential to fulfilling our mission of supporting homeownership, affordable housing and community lending by providing a readily available, low-cost source of funds to member institutions.

Corporate Social Responsibility

FHLB Dallas is committed to not only serving its members, but also building stronger communities by encouraging its employees to give their time and talents to charities they are impassioned about; strengthening the economic development of communities served by our members, via our grant programs; and empowering our employees through training and development and the fostering of an inclusive environment where individuals with diverse skills, thoughts and backgrounds can work together and flourish.

Fraud Reporting

FHLB Dallas is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards. In support of its commitment, FHLB Dallas has adopted an Anti-Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering Policy as well as a Whistleblower Policy. FHLB Dallas expects that all of its employees, contractors, vendors and suppliers will report any instances of suspected fraud involving the Bank or any complaints about FHLB Dallas' accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. Such reports should be made confidentially via EthicsPoint.


Phone: 844.252.3067
It's confidential, easy-to-use and always available.

Code of Conduct and Ethics 

We believe maintaining the highest standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality and conduct for our employees is essential to ensure that FHLB Dallas operates properly and maintains public confidence. FHLB Dallas employees and directors conduct themselves in accordance with our codes.