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Pilot Transparency

Pilot and Voluntary Program Disclosure Policy

FHLB Dallas supports exploration of ways to fulfill our mission by using pilot programs to test and learn from new concepts as we seek to expand and improve our member services and community investment outreach.

Pilots have a limited scope that allow us to test hypotheses and make informed decisions on whether to permanently roll out a program.

FHLB Dallas will provide summary information on this page regarding all pilot and voluntary programs approved pursuant to the framework, including:

  • The name of the program
  • A brief description of the program and its goals
  • How the programs align with FHLB Dallas’ mission
  • The scope and duration (as applicable) of the program

The summary information contained on FHLB Dallas’ website will be updated periodically.

State Housing Finance Authorities (HFAs) Homeownership and Financial Education Grant Program

FHLB Dallas will provide state HFAs with a grant (up to $100,000 per grant) to be utilized by each state HFA to grow their homeownership and financial education programs.


MISSION ALIGNMENT: Promote  homeownership education within FHLB Dallas’ District.

SCOPE/DURATION: This voluntary program will provide grants to state HFAs to support their homeownership education and counseling efforts. This voluntary program will begin with $600,000 allocated in the grant fund for 2025, with each state HFA applicant having the ability to request a grant with a maximum value of $100,000. This program will be available to state HFAs in FHLB Dallas’ District and open for applications in April 2025.

GOAL: To support the growth of state HFAs educational and financial counseling programs in FHLB Dallas’ District to ensure low-income homeowners have access to critical educational resources needed to purchase or maintain their homes.


Community Development Special Finance Program (CDSFP)

FHLB Dallas will provide a more favorable haircut to members who pledge single-family residential loans to certain income qualified borrowers.


MISSION ALIGNMENT: Promote sustainable homeownership opportunities

SCOPE/DURATION: The pilot will support FHLB Dallas members, with a reduced collateral haircut (12 percent) for qualifying mortgage loans to certain income qualified borrowers (CDSFP Income Qualified Single-Family Residential loans or “CDSFP Qualified Loans”). The maximum amount of CDSFP Qualified Loans to be pledged under the Pilot Program is $200 million (after pricing and haircuts). Begins March 1, 2024, and open for two years.

GOALS: Reward and incentivize eligible members’ lending to low- to medium-income borrowers and communities by reducing the collateral haircut for qualifying single family residential loans.

CDFSP Details


Capacity Building and Growth Grant Pilot (CBGG)

Through the pilot, FHLB Dallas allocated $3.4 million in CBGG grants as well as FHLB Dallas staff expertise to CDFIs.


MISSION ALIGNMENT: Promote sustainable homeownership opportunities, small businesses and community economic development

SCOPE/DURATION: The pilot will increase CDFIs’ ability to support affordable housing, small businesses and community economic development. Through the pilot, FHLB Dallas allocated $3.4 million in monetary grants as well as nonmonetary expertise to CDFIs. The program began on March 5, 2024. Awards were announced in August 2024.

GOAL: Commit $3,400,000 in grants to nondepository CDFIs in FHLB Dallas' District. To improve the ability of nondepository CDFIs’ to support affordable housing, small business and community economic development.

*In August 2024, the CBGG allocation was increased from $3 million to $3,399,287.

CBGG Details


Native American Housing Opportunities (NAHO) Fund

FHLB Dallas will allocate $1 million in NAHO Fund grants to federally recognized tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) to support housing needs of tribal members.


MISSION ALIGNMENT: Promote access to affordable housing

SCOPE/DURATION: The fund will provide grants to federally recognized tribes and TDHEs to help meet the housing needs of their tribal members. Through the fund, FHLB Dallas will allocate $1 million in grants to federally recognized tribes and TDHEs. The program begins on June 3, 2024, and applicants must submit an application through a sponsoring FHLB Dallas member by August 2, 2024. Awards are expected to be announced in September.

GOAL: Commit $1 million in grants to federally recognized tribes and TDHEs to support housing-related activities in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas.

NAHO Details


Community Advancement through New Opportunities & Partnerships Yielding Results (CANOPY) Fund

FHLB Dallas will make available $35 million for unsecured loans to nondepository Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) members to support affordable housing and economic development lending programs in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas. Terms up to 10 years with the potential for five one-year renewal options are available. 
MISSION ALIGNMENT: Promote sustainable homeownership opportunities and community economic development, primarily supporting underserved, rural and low- to moderate-income households and communities.   
SCOPE/DURATION:  The Bank will hold a webinar on June 6 for eligible members to provide additional information on the CANOPY Fund and it plans to begin accepting applications to the Fund by June 2024 CANOPY Fund borrowers will enter into loan agreements with the Bank that define the terms of the borrowing arrangement. The pilot will end on December 31, 2026. 

GOAL: Commit $35 million in long-term loans to nondepository CDFI members to support affordable housing and economic development in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas.

*In August 2024, $399,287 was reallocated from CANOPY to CBGG resulting in an increase to the CBGG allocation from $3 million to $3,399,287. FHLB Dallas intends to replace the $399,287 reallocated from CANOPY with a voluntary contribution in 2025 to bring the overall CANOPY pilot availability back to the original $35 million allocation.

CANOPY Details