Optimism Ticks Up but Inflation Key Worry for Owners of Small Businesses
- August 12, 2022
- Bud Gill
As the nation’s economists and politicians debate whether we are or aren’t in a recession, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said this week that its Small Business Optimism Index rose 0.4 points in July to 89.9.
How Down Payment Assistance Can Help First-Time Homeowners as Housing Market Turns
- June 24, 2022
- Greg Hettrick
At the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas), our Homebuyer Equity Leverage Partnership (HELP) program provides our financial institution members with a tool they can use to make the American Dream a reality for residents in their towns and cities.
Six Things to Watch in Commercial Real Estate
- May 09, 2022
- Kevin Kogucz
Despite the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) decision to raise the federal funds rate by 0.5 percent to reduce unprecedented rates of inflation, commercial real estate (CRE) has held up fairly well.
Loan Demand on the Rise along with Optimism, according to Dallas Fed Banking Survey
- November 22, 2021
- Steve Otto
Banks and credit unions surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Dallas Fed) said loan demand picked up over the past six weeks, bolstering loan volumes as financial institutions express optimism about the direction of loan demand growth and business activity in the coming six months.
A Closer Look at Efforts to Increase Affordable Housing in the U.S.
- September 30, 2021
With the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) under new leadership since June and a newly announced plan to increase the nation’s affordable housing stock, we’ve decided to take a look at some of the specifics.
Oil Makes a Comeback, But Will Delta Variant Derail Progress?
- August 17, 2021
- Bud Gill
The world’s largest shale oil formation, the Permian Basin, which covers a swath of West Texas and southeast New Mexico, is making a comeback with rising rig counts, although COVID-19’s Delta variant is adding some volatility to the recovery.
Could Now be the Time for De Novo Banks?
- June 25, 2021
Investor confidence in bank stocks and a governmental push to increase bank access in rural communities could be the one-two punch needed for more de novo bank formations.
More Certainty Returns to CRE Industry as COVID-19 Infections Decline
- May 06, 2021
- Zimri Hunt
The COVID-19 pandemic was a “reset” for the commercial real estate (CRE) industry rather than a typical recession, although the pandemic likely will reshape the market for years to come.
Oil and Gas Activity Expands in Q1 as Optimism Returns
- March 24, 2021
- Steve Jones
Activity in the oil and gas sector expanded strongly in first quarter 2021, starting the year on a dramatically positive note, according to the Dallas Fed Energy Survey, as the six-month outlook hit the highest reading in the survey’s five-year history.
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
- January 28, 2021
- Kelly Davis
Dr. Cassandra Pierre, Boston Medical Center's acting hospital epidemiologist, spoke with members of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas) in a webinar recently to provide expert insight into the COVID-19 vaccines and to answer members’ questions.
FHLB Dallas Bloggers
Bob Wang
- Banking Strategy Analyst
Bre Chapman
- Executive Vice President
- Chief Administrative Officer
Jaime Jordan
- First Vice President
- Director of Corporate Communications
Kalyan Madhavan
- Executive Vice President
- Chief Business Officer
Christina Ungaro
- Director of Member Services and Products
Bud Gill
- First Vice President
- Assistant Treasurer
Lee Cammerer
- Vice President
- Director of Financial Institution and MPF Sales
Zimri Hunt
- First Vice President
- Director of Strategic Planning and Member Solutions
Kelly Davis
- Executive Vice President
- Chief Risk Officer
Steve Jones
- Vice President
- Portfolio Manager II
Steve Otto
- Senior Vice President
- Head of Member Sales
Kevin Kogucz
- Vice President
- Director of Financial Institution and Member Sales
Greg Hettrick
- Senior Vice President
- Director of Community Investment
Bruce Hatton
- Vice President
- Community Marketing and Outreach Manager
Jessica Bilger
- HR & Talent Business Partner
Tanya M. Schierling
- Director Human Resources
Chris Quintana
- Author Chris Quintana is the chief lending officer at Homewise