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Member Bulletin
  • May 06, 2021
  • Bulletin No: 2021-10

Expanded Collateral and Changes on Haircuts for Securities Collateral

Effective May 22, 2021, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (Bank) will make the following changes to securities collateral haircuts and eligibility as further described in the updated Collateral Valuation Guide, located under Guides in SecureConnect.

  1. Agency Z-Bond, Interest-Only and Principal-Only securities are now eligible securities collateral;  

  2. In response to recent regulatory guidance, haircut values for U.S. Treasury Notes, Bonds and Strips, as well as Federal Home Loan Bank System and Agency Debentures have been increased; and

  3. Insurance company members domiciled in the states of Arkansas, Mississippi and Washington will now receive higher haircuts on securities collateral.  
For additional information or to discuss the Bank's collateral valuation process, please contact the Collateral Services department at 800.541.0597.


Michael Zheng
SVP and Chief Credit Officer