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Corporate Governance

At FHLB Dallas, we believe that good corporate governance is more than a requirement — it is the right way to do business.

We are committed to fulfilling our mission in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards and to serving our members and communities with integrity, impartiality and professionalism.

Executive Leadership Team

The Bank’s executive officers are elected annually by, and serve at the discretion of, the Board. They are charged with setting and carrying out the Bank’s strategic priorities.

Board of Directors

Our 17-member Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for oversight of FHLB Dallas operations, including the Bank’s overall risk profile. 


Board Committees

The Board maintains seven standing committees, and its role includes oversight of our ESG practices and approval of the ESG Report.

Affordable Housing Committee (AHAC)

Our 13-member AHAC provides our Board with advice and recommendations on the District’s housing finance, affordable housing and community lending needs. The members represent community-based organizations, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, local governments and housing authorities throughout the FHLB Dallas District.

Member Advisory Council and Insurance Member Advisory Council

The Member Advisory Council represents member banks and credit unions and their interests, and the Insurance Member Advisory Council represents insurance members and their interests.